Monday, May 12, 2014


The Commands of Jesus
How does Jesus define a disciple? In Matthew 28.16-20, He says that a disciple of His will "observe" or "do" all that He commanded His Apostles. Since Matthew, one of Jesus' Apostles, wrote this at the very end of his account of Jesus' life, it is reasonable to believe that Matthew wrote it this final command in mind. In other words, Matthew probably wrote his Gospel with the goal of highlighting the commands Jesus gave His disciples to pass on to future generations of disciples. Therefore, just as a beginning point in learning and following Jesus' commands, what are the commands that Jesus gives to His Apostles in Matthew? Just to begin with, it's fascinating to note that the very first command (after, "repent") sets the stage to follow the last command. (On Mobile devices, click "Pages" and select, "Commands of Jesus")